Monday, October 10, 2011

The Death Of Television

     The days of TV are numbered. This is coming from a guy raised on The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, MTV (when it played music) and numerous other networks that either no longer exist or have changed their format so drastically, they do not resemble my childhood memories of them. Quality scripted shows are being axed in favor of "reality shows" that require the same amount of writers to place low-rent amateurs in situations that look juicier in the "On next week's episode" promo spots than they actually are. Each fad comes and goes, and the current one of depending on shows that will be out of style before you finish reading this may take over 60 years of history down with it.
     Take, for instance, The Walking Dead, a show that rivals most movies in terms of buzz, scope, plot, violence, and atmosphere. Before the second season even had a chance to begin, major changes were implemented, such as the firing of show-runner  Frank Darabont. This was due to his lack of compliance with budget cuts that would harm the show and which the producers are free to do now that he's gone. Why such changes on a SUCCESSFUL show? They saw what happened to The Sarah Connor Chronicles, another great show that pushed TV boundaries, yet network politics forced it out as brain-melting shows like Jersey Shore and Bad Girls Club take over.
     After these shows run their course, all of the quality shows will have been cannibalized and we will be left with nothing.  Do not give these corporations your viewership. Don't even tune in to see how stupid these shows are. Show your support to ART.