Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Political Truth Behind Racism

     The truth is, racism was not born out of hatred. Before you get outraged and call me crazy or a traitor, read on and inform yourself of the truth. In the middle ages, Europeans and Africans actually got along pretty well. Race was seen pretty much as it is today: just the color you happened to be. One thing would change the course of history, and it wasn't a random realization of hatred based on the color of one's skin.
     The beginning of 400 years (and counting) of racism was greed. Europeans realized the treasure trove of resources that Africa had and the prime seaports of western Africa that were vital to the slave trade, which was more based on class at that time. As people are more likely to get behind a cause when they are seen as "right," the view of Africans as subhuman savages was born. Complex family systems were broken up to provide slave labor. The Europeans also destroyed much of the historical records, including the killings of holders of the verbal history.
     The numerous religious beliefs throughout Africa were snubbed out in favor of the spread of Christianity and the resources were pillaged in the name of "helping" the people. Sound familiar? Today, the same greed-centric spread of racism befalls any and all people who those who stand to benefit from it can milk dry. Innocent men, women, and children are murdered every day in the Middle East, as well as Africa to stop so-called "terrorism." The people in power like to dress it up as patriotism and make those who question the senseless deaths of people on both sides of wars seem less than American, when our nation claims to respect other cultures.
     Those of us who want a truly colorblind society need to spread the TRUTH, which is that the biases we have about each other were put there relatively recently by people seeking to exploit those of us who are not outrageously wealthy, which is the majority.  The closest thing we had previously was our instinctual distrust of other "tribes," which were most likely other species, such as Neanderthals, (which all non-African  humans ended up being formed from as a result of inter-species breeding.) that we long ago lost the need for. We must put our LEARNED preconceptions of race aside. I, myself, come from both African and European lineage, and I refuse to believe that one side is somehow superior to the other, especially when the facts laid bare support my belief.

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